Dating back to ancient Roman traditions it boasts a prominent history, throughout the years Balsamic
Vinegar has been researched passionately with great care right where its excellence derives:
the fertile
countryside of Modena amongst the mist and the sun.

Sapum, cooked grape must, has always been known for its versatility, as a medicine, to sweeten and season food and season food, transformed into a rephrase with the addition of water.
Since the year 1.000 DC sapum and the territories of Modena have always been intertwined. That “most perfect vinegar”, as Emperor Henry III defined it when he hoped to receive it as a gift from Boniface, then Marquis of Tuscany, aroused enormous interest until, in the 19th century, its fame even went beyond the borders of Emilia and its taste tickled the palates of the greatest experts, from Florence to Paris to Brussels.
In Modena, peasant families began to dilute the perfect vinegar with wine vinegar to obtain a lighter condiment, which could be used every day. This was the first step towards the creation of the product which is now sold all over the world: Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI.
The official recognition of the product was obtained in 1983 when it acquired the designation of origin “Traditional Balsamic Vinegar from Modena”.
From this time onwards certified documents of uniqueness followed one after another: the prestigious D.O.P. (Protected designation of origin) arrived in 2000 and in 2009 Balsamic Vinegar of Modena obtained the I.G.P. (Protected Geographical Indication)
In the meantime, the Italian government also made sure that they safeguarded and protected these precious local products by acknowledging the two consortiums: the consorzio tutela dell’Acerto Balsamico Tradizionale and in 2014 the Consorzio Tutela dell’Aceto Balsamico di Modena.


The DOP trademark guarantees the use of a selection of musts deriving exclusively from the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia, cooked, fermented and left to acetify.
Time does the rest: with patience, we wait at least 12 years before harvesting the “first fruits” that give us the first invecchiato type of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and only by waiting 25 years can the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena can be defined "extravecchio".

The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI is produced with wine vinegar, cooked or concentrated grape must from only seven grape varieties ( Trebbiano, Albana, Lambrusco, Sangiovese, Fortana and Montuni ) and wine vinegar which has been aged for at least ten years.
The real secret lies in the expertise of blending the ingredients that are left to age in fine wooden barrels for a minimum of 60 days in order to be called refined. When the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI is left aging at least 3 years, it can be defined aged.